Suppose you are starting your business, you have a billion Euro idea (at least you think you do) and engineering and design background. Your complete focus is on building the best possible product with the resources you have. But then, you need to register your company and protect what you created. Do you have time for that? Do you know how to do that? Can you pay consultants and lawyers to do it for you? No, no and God I wish I could. A Lot of startups do not pay attention to “formalities” and legal mumbo jumbo. This strategy will initially help you to save a nickel or two, but in the end, not paying attention to legal issues may become a deal-breaker.
One of the reasons that you may get in trouble is your intellectual property. When looking for additional funding, one of the first things investors demand is to prove defensibility of your inventions. Were you employed at the time of the invention? Have you disclosed your invention before filing for a patent? Did you forget to do a trademark search before using the trademark for your product or a company name? If you answer yes, yes and hell yes, you may be running into serious trouble. Then there are all these contracts, you have to make sure that you arrange everything well between you and your customers. What sales model fits your product best, how is liability aranged in your sector and what if my customer isn't paying in time. If you were not aware of all of this, don’t panic, calm down, we have a solution.
ehvLINC is a legal incubator from Eindhoven that will enable you to get the legal help you need for fraction of the price. What do we actually offer? Legal advice will be provided by law students from various master studies at Tilburg University. The students will cover three major legal areas, namely tech law (intellectual property & privacy)and business law. In order to guarantee quality of provided advice, students will work under the continuous supervision of one of our partner law firms. Moreover, we will help you to connect to Dutch Chamber of Commerce and Octrooicentrum Nederland (the Dutch Patent Office), which can provide you with additional support.
If you are wondering, how expensive this all is going to be, you may be surprised. We are asking only 400 EUR per month for the period of 3 months (altogether 1200 EUR), which is the duration of our incubation program. No additional payments, no hidden fees, no other delayed bills. This fee includes the legal program
What we are looking for are startups that meet the following requirements:
If you are not sure if you comply with all the requirements. Just apply and we will let you know!
If we sparked your interest, do not hesitate to apply! Fill in this Questionnaire and wait for our call.
If you have any questions please contact us by sending an email to:
Keep startuping and may the force be with you!
The ehvLINC team